Seed Planting!

The three year old Greece preschoolers celebrated spring by learning how plants grow and getting their hands directly in the dirt!  The teacher placed a large container of dirt and available gardening tools on the table. There were trowels, watering cans, Popsicle sticks, pom-poms and trays for each child to explore. The teacher first explained how farmers plant their seeds …

Sensory Play!

Sensory play is a favorite activity in the toddler room at the Farmington / Canandaigua center!  Daily experiences with sensory activities provide important educational opportunities for young children to explore their world. Recently, the Ladybug toddlers learned about the color purple through a variety of hands-on play experiences. This included sensory and visual fun in creating foam! The children helped …

Circle Time!

Circle time in the Henrietta preschool classrooms is an important start to every day!  During this time, the children pick their jobs, review the calendar, discuss the weather, talk about letters, listen to a story, and finish by singing and dancing! Asking children to choose their job for the day provides a level of independence. It also makes each child …